How Company Treat Shareholders in Change of Dividend Policy?

Due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of companies are considered to curtail or delay their dividend to shareholders, to keep the company afloat in the situation of declining revenues. The shareholders should regard this as normal because everyone’s dividends are affected in some extent, however, for the shareholder of Royal Dutch Shell, one of the world’s largest dividend payers, they did not think so. Royal Dutch Shell cut its payout in April for the first time since the second world war. Jessica Uhl, chief financial officer at Shell, reiterated that the dividend cut was the “prudent and appropriate thing to do” and reflected the “real reality” presented by the pandemic. These explanations seem are feeble for its shareholders and drew criticism, the reason is the Shell company did not provide information on how it planned to allocate capital in the coming years. Cut dividends that have not changed for years, and unknown capital allocation in the future, I belie...